Tilson’s Auto Repair presents “Tilson’s Gives Back.”
Hello Friends! Tilson’s Auto Repair is excited to Announce “Tilson’s Gives Back” which we started in January of 2018.
How it works:
Tilson’s Auto Repair selects 1 month per quarter to give back to a local nonprofit, and during that month Tilson’s Auto Repair will Donate $2 for every vehicle that comes though the shop to the selected local nonprofit
We are excited to announce our first nonprofit was the Med City Foundation. . We donated $500 to them in January.
Nonprofit List:
Paws and Claws https://www.pawsandclaws.org/wpweb/
Rochester Community Warming Center https://www.ccsomn.org/programs/warming-centers/rochester-community-warming-center/
Official Love http://www.official-love.org/
Med City Foundation http://www.medcityfoundation.org/
Bolder Options Rochester http://bolderoptions.org/
United Way of Olmsted County https://www.uwolmsted.org/
Family Promise Rochester http://familypromiserochester.org/
The Rochester Reading Center http://www.thereadingcenter.org/
Camp Companion http://www.campcompanion.org/
Sports Mentorship Academy https://www.smacademy.org/
Jeremiah Program https://jeremiahprogram.org/
Paws and Claws Humane Society https://www.pawsandclaws.org/wpweb/
Elder Network http://www.elder-network.org/
The Landing https://www.thelandingmn.org/
Project Legacy https://projectlegacymn.org/
SEMCIL (Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living https://www.semcil.org/